For what its worth, I’ve never felt Leviticus 18 was meant to be taken line by line, but more as a whole, ie: don’t fuck anything that walks or breathes just because you can. I mean, don’t lie with animals, did that actually need to be said?
Of course, I feel most of the worlds great religious texts are metaphors, not literal. I’ve also struggled with trying to absorb another’s journey simply because I don’t believe. I remember trying to read the Confessions of St Augustine, but I just couldn’t place myself in his shoes, his angst wasn’t something I could identify with because I simply didn’t believe in a higher power.
I still have very little patience with anyone or anything that is literal or certain about what God is. I still have seen no evidence that God, as religion defines it, exists. I have had some experiences that have led me to believe something else, though.