I can totally see why a woman wouldn't want to be beholden to a guy, which is why I've never understood the resistance to a coffee date. A first date is an interview of sorts, or a compatibility screening. And, I suppose, if a guy suggests a coffee date and a woman, like your acquaintance, declines or suggests dinner and the guy isn't ready for that, well, that's a screening as well.
I didn't know I was weeding people out if they seemed too high maintenance. But in reality, I that’s what did, I screened them out, and they likely did the same to me. I might have been miffed about the latter when I was single, but now, I think it was just as well!
EDIT: I’ve speculated that one reason why women don’t like coffee/interview dates is that it’s about a power change. An ‘interview date’ is on more of an equal footing, ie: the guy can be considering the woman just as much as she may be considering him. While a ‘traditional’ first date is more about the guy trying to impress the woman, and she decides what’s next.