I do not understand the toxicity of some men towards women. No, I do not. Or how someone like Andrew Tate has any kind of following.
Tell you what though, Jordan Peterson is another story. So much of what he said, to men, as he was coming into the broader public eye was innocuous; make your bed, stop watching porn, set your house in order before you criticize. I was never a follower, and I think he’s totally jumped the shark now. But in the beginning, what he was saying was good advice, and it was mocked.
Men are derided all the time, especially when they make an earnest attempt at participating in discussions on what it is to be in relationship—with themselves, with women, or with the world. I have found that when men want to participate in many discussions, they are told to sit down. And that’s why they turn to someone like Andrew Tate, or they dig in when Jorden Peterson starts getting mischaracterized.