I don’t know if you’re talking about how women get more judgement (more frequently by other women) than men, or if you’re saying we never compare male artists or groups to each other. It it’s the latter, umm, no. Total music geek here. We’re always talking about who’s a better group or song writer within genre, gender, you name it. Nobody’s safe.
Bob Dylan or Paul Simon? But what about Tom Waits? Is Willie Dixon in the same cannon? I remember one particularly pointed discussion comparing Bat Out of Hell to Born to Run. Many critics seem to think there’s no comparison, because, you know, Bruce Springsteen. I say bullshit, they’re both grandiose, over the top albums. Neither is better then the other. And if you like either or both albums, track down the Lonesome Romeos first album, chalk full of lyrics and big ideas, but never got the airplay.
That said, I agree with the gist of the article. So much of music is preference.