I married a wrong person when I was young. Financially, we were incompatible. I'll say this though, I got to keep the house that I brought to the marriage, and I lost way more initially than her, but we raised a child together and her making more later in life (kiddo was covered by her insurance, she could pick up more of the tab for other things, while I had kiddo with me during the school week) it evened out. In other words, we had the time to make up for our mistakes.
What I don't understand is people making this kind of mistake... not financially vetting a companion ...later in life. Or health wise, for that matter. And with an age difference? It's one thing to take care of someone after years of a shared life, it's another entirely, to come in and play nursemaid or banker after six months.
I could relax into relationship with my new wife, in part, because she tracked her finances and bills with excel spreadsheets, like I did. As we got serious, we showed each other our bank statements and FICO scores. Brings a whole new meaning to show me yours and I'll show you mine!