It's true, you can't always know. But, how many women date a man who is a slob, and then marry the guy thinking he's going to change? Then when the kids come, they're bitter and resentful. How long do you stay in a relationship when someone shows their true colors?
I know I stayed way too long in a relationship with a woman who could not live within a budget to save her life.
However, I don't blame her anymore. I haven't for years. I should have seen it and accepted who she was. And I should have done something about it.
Since then, I got better at seeing the deal breaker in plain sight, and broke up with women who didn't treat me right. What I don't do it post ad nauseam about it.
The I don't agree with constant complaining about stuff, but I think men need to speak up and share how they've been treated more. Not in response to a woman complaints, but simply pieces that say 'Here's what a woman said, and then here's what she actually did, and here's how it made me feel.'