NAIA leagues are recreational, intramural
James, I believe you are mistaken. Intramural programs are within the college, you don’t compete outside of the school or with other schools. Definition of intramural ‘done within the walls of a building.’
NAIA programs compete against other schools. They are not 'intramural.'
Why this strict emphasis on competition?
I don't understand this question. No, I don't understand how people can miss the point so completely. For most people, a higher level of play is all about competition. Sports, in general, first and foremost, is competition.
I've played a lot of sports and coached 12 seasons of youth basketball over the years. I play and coach to win. There are many reasons I've enjoyed sports, but competition is the main element.
Don't trans people deserve those benefits too?
Sure, but that doesn't mean trans women's inclusion in women's sports is either fair or the right solution.