Sexist? Hardly. I'm not tall, but I've been told I'm good looking enough to believe it. I can engage a woman intellectually and emotionally. However, no degree, and I've made some choices in life, like working for a non-profit, that's meant I don't earn a lot.
What that's meant, in a college town, is that women would accept my sexual energy, they felt safe enough with me to do that, but not consider me as a long term partner. Mind you #notallwomen. But I still felt used. Women are just as shallow as men, pointing this out isn't sexism.
Class really does matter. And entitlement is a whole 'nuther issue. I found the best relationship of my life with a woman who also went the working class route. And the women who treated me the best, even if they got the degree, had a working class sensibility.