The United States will continue dissolving because our foundational myths are being actively re-written by CRT.
CRT might be influencing our education and social policy. But CRT is not rewriting our myths, our myths are imploding on their own.
The binding mythos of our country (in a good way) is that America is the land of freedom, where we undertook an amazing experiment in democracy… and it WORKED.
America is an idea in progress. It worked for some, but certainly not all.
We value independence and personal responsibility. We are a “high trust” society where we take care of one another, and the rule of law functions. Our institutions may be imperfect, but they are fair, stable and provide a great life for us and our children.
There's so much to unpack here. First, are we a nation that focuses on personal responsibility or one that values the community? Because from where I sit, there's a faction that has undermined every attempt to work togther. Our instituions are NOT fair. Rule of law is not uniformly applied.
Examining America and recording our history correctly will not lead us to ruin. Refusing to acknowledge the wrongs of America, and not make amends is what will be our undoing.