To be honest, I was surprised. I thought this would be another article complaining about men. But instead, it has really good advice, for anyone really, who wants a committed relationship as opposed to something casual or a 'situationship.'
I am not remotely casual. I think that allows some women to feel comfortable. The flip side, I did not feel treated very well by women. Three in a row, I felt, were happy to accept my interest and attention, but not really consider me as a long-term prospect. Though I did date, I was single/sexless for 4 years. I'd vacillate between looking and putting myself out there, and just quitting/taking profiles down.
I agree, you have to be intentional. I meet my wife at a Meet Up hiking group. I joined because I had to get out, and I really needed social interactions. And, I also always had an ad up somewhere. Not to get all new-agey, but I feel like you have to put a consistent message out into the universe, that you are looking for companionship, you have to be available. Sticking to your values, mind you, not desperate. By leaving myself out there, I think it subtlety changed my mind-set. It helped me wait, frankly, until I found what I was looking for.