You're missing his point. There are straight women who do not accept no graciously. To speak to his point, I know peripherally of one gay man (who was not out) who declined a women's overtures and she literally ended up claiming rape out of malice. He would not use gay as defense, he had to hire a lawyer. I know the paralegal. To be clear, this is no #allwomen.
Personally, I haven't had anything like that. But I went through a period in dating where I did not transmit sexual energy, I was trying to get to know them, I was focusing on logistics and are we compatible? Women didn't know what to make of it/me. I had two big take aways. One, women also don't trust you if you're not trying to bed them. Some don't think you're interested in them. And two, (the reason I'm sharing) it changes the power dynamic; they're not in control. I wasn't saying no, so to speak, but I was definitely saying not yet. And again, more than one woman did not handle that graciously, from being snitty, to being miffed, to saying something, like 'I can't read you.' That last is particularly ironic as I was being 100% transparent... you don't have to 'read' me.